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Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement.


In consideration of participating in the F4A football programme, I, the minor’s parent and/or legal guardian, understand the nature of this activity. My (parent and/or legal guardian of the child listed below) child is qualified, in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate in such activity.


I fully understand that this activity involves risks of bodily injury, which may be caused by the child’s own actions, or inactions, those of others participating in the event, the condition in which the event takes place. I fully accept and assume all such risks and all responsibility for losses, cost, and damages I incur as a result of my child’s participation in the activity.


We may require additional information depending on the medical information provided to us by you before we can accept your booking.


Youth Sports Innovations Limited does not accept any responsibility for personal injury, loss or damages except to the extent that it results from our negligence.

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